Club Teams - For experienced players to elevate their game today
3D’s Performance programs are designed for experienced players seeking to elevate their game. Performance programs focus on skill development and game competition (leagues and tournaments).
Players are selected through both tryouts and invites. Tryouts for the 2024 Spring season are now live! The Spring season will run from April to July 5th.
Performance Teams
External Tournaments Stream
Are designed for competitive basketball players who have ambitions to play basketball at a higher level. Players practice up to 3x's a week and compete in external games against other club programs. In the Fall/Winter cohort, the majority of the competition is league play and in the Spring season, our teams compete in several local tournaments throughout the Lower Mainland.
Youth Development Stream Stream
(U10-U16) is a great introduction to playing on a dedicated team. Practicing 3x more a week that the Youth Development Skill sessions, competing in YDL Game Nights and getting the opportunity to compete in external tournaments against other basketball Clubs. Much like the Youth Development Stream players will learn the foundations of individual skill development and introduction to the foundations of team play.
Players in Performance programs begin to learn the importance of applying skills they have developed into game situations and further develop their understanding of the game and the rules of basketball.
Performance programs focus on the process of having our Players apply their skills in game situations as well as learning team concepts on both offense and defense.
There are also opportunities for players to be invited for training with the ACADEMY program.
Program Highlights
High-School 3 month Fall program (September-November)
3 month Spring program (April - June)